What Is In This Little Mind…

August 31, 2006

Recently I notice when WH is playing with his toy cars, he likes to line them up in a straight line. He will do it in a particular order, each time there will be a different order. He would patiently redo everything is any of the car is out of the line. He can occupy himself with these cars for a good 1/2 hour all by himself. I wonder what is in his little mind….


We were having problem buying him a new pair of shoe which he has outgrown the old pair. Not because we could not find the right size, but he just refuse to put on /try on any new pair of shoe. Wanted to get him a new pair when we were in S’pore, but he threw up a big fuss while we were at the departmental store. I wonder what is going on in his little mind… I have not seen any kids so loyal to a pair of shoe.

We finally got him a pair from Sunway without letting him to try on. After that half force and half distracting him, we put on the new pair for him. After that he stick on to that new pair of shoe and didn’t want anything else. Again, what is going on in his little mind….

Recently I digged out a few pair of JS’s old unisex shoes which is just the right size for WH now. Wanted him to alternate wearing the new and old shoe, but he refused and kick up a big fuss again. I wonder what is going on in his mind…. why so loyal to a pair of shoe????